Automatically set environment variables in Postman


Manually saving server responses to environment variables in Postman is tedious, but Postman makes it easy enough to automatically set them when a request completes.

To do this:

  1. configure your environment in Postman with the necessary variables
  2. open the Tests tab on the request that will receive the variable to persist
  3. add the following:
// as of Postman 7.x.x
const response = pm.response.json();

pm.environment.set('myVariable', response.myVariable);

Every time you get a response from this request, your environment will be updated!

Postman’s global pm object is pretty extensive, and forms the basis of writing tests in Postman.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into Postman and using it to test APIs, Valentin Despa has an excellent course on Udemy: Postman: The Complete Guide - REST API Testing

I learned a boat-load, and added my notes to Github: Postman REST API testing